
No Space for Junk

The sky isn’t falling, but debris from space is.

In May, a Saskatchewan farmer spotted something in his fields. At first, he thought it was garbage. Then he took a closer look.

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The Ball’s in Our Court

Move over, Raptors. The Women’s National Basketball Association (WNBA) is coming to Toronto! It will be the first WNBA team in Canada. 

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On the (Cyber) Attack

London Drugs was hit by a cyberattack in late April. It forced the Canadian pharmacy chain to close all 79 of its stores for more than a week.

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Sizing Up the 2024 Budget

Every spring, the federal government delivers a budget to the House of Commons. It lays out how it will collect and spend money in the year ahead.

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Welcome to the Cicadapocalypse

The cicadas are coming! This spring, more than a trillion cicadas will crawl out of the ground in the eastern U.S. They will mate, lay eggs, and die.

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The Problem with Food Waste

The world wastes a billion tonnes of food a year. If you laid it all out, it would cover an area the size of China, the fourth largest country in the world.

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